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I am wondering if Paratext, whether 7.5 or 8 or both, have the ability
to utilize an outside spell checking dictionary, such as hunspell. ​​​​​​​

You can import spellings into Paratext

  1. Create a temporary book in Paratext that you are not otherwise using, e.g. DAG

  2. Place all the correctly spelled words in that book. Making them one big verse is ok

  3. Open Wordlist and restrict the display to only words in DAG

  4. Click on first word in list, shift click on last word in list, to select all of them

  5. Edit > Mark as Correct (makes all the words in list marked as correctly spelled)

Paratext by (646 points)

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Now if the external dictionary gets modified, how to update the Paratext wordlist?

For new words added to the external dictionary, you could redo the process, and the new words would show up as “uncertain” in the word list, and you could approve them.

But if a word was approved in the external dictionary but is no longer approved, I don’t know how to readily update the Paratext wordlist. If you were certain that there were no words approved in Paratext that are not included in the external dictionary, you could change the status of every word to incorrect or unknown, then redo the process.

by [Expert]
(3.1k points)

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