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How do we set the default view of Assignments & Progress to show All Tasks. I have multiple users who are constantly looking at My Tasks, but the way we work together in our program, it is best for everyone to always be looking at All Tasks.

I know the default view can be changed, because it always opens up as All Tasks for me, but other users always have it open up to My Tasks.

Paratext by (280 points)

1 Answer

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The way that A&P opens is determined by your role. For an Administrator it always opens to All Tasks. For a Translator it always opens to My Tasks.

by (8.5k points)

I am going to suggest to the developers that this be made an option that can be changed. Do people have reasons for or against? For the context that I’m working in, it works best for the users to be looking at the All Tasks view all the time. They themselves are the ones assigning the various tasks to themselves. They work together to decide who is going to do what. But they also need to be aware of what the other teammates are doing, and they need to work together to do all the tasks and checks from the top to the bottom. Sometimes a particular teammate is absent, in which case, the other teammates need to still also complete tasks that they had previously assigned to him. So looking at the My Tasks view simply confuses the issue and contributes to a lack of communication, and also to tasks and checks being skipped.

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