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One project took over some cross references via adaptation. We would like to delete all references starting with \x -. Is there a simple way to do this in bulk?

Paratext by (869 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Delete using the regular expression
“\x .*?\x*”
via RegExPal or in Paratext replace with the above expression in the find and nothing in the replace.I’d test it on the finds before actually doing the replace.


by (571 points)

Thanks. \x .*\x* worked in RegExPal, but not in Paratext itself. I have never used RegExPal before.



When you do a regular expression search in Paratext Find you must include “regex:”. So, the expression for Find would be:

regex:\\x .*?\\x\*

This says do a regular expression search for \x followed by any character zero or more times until you come to first the \x*

This will remove ALL cross references, not just the ones starting with “\x -”. You would need to include the “-” in your search in order to distinguish these cross references from any others which don’t use the “-”.

Yes, HBarker is correct. To meet your original request to eliminate the references that start with \x - you should use the following

Yes, I discovered that the hard way by first deleting all cross references, then undoing that in Paratext and using the one with the - in it.

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