+1 vote

We want to spell check just the current book. So we chose Checking > Spell check current book. It correctly shows just the references for the current book. However, when we make corrections it goes through all the verses in the project, but we only want to correct the current book - we don’t have time to clean up the rest of the books. I also tried use the spellcheck from the text (using the red squiggle lines) and it also wants to correct all the books in the project.

Is this a bug or are we doing something wrong?


Paratext by (211 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

It’s not a bug and you aren’t doing anything wrong. That’s just the way the spelling corrections were designed to work. Paratext assumes that if something is spelled a certain way and you mark it as incorrect, that you should fix it everywhere.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Well, it is true that it should eventually be fixed, but when faced with a very messy text and a deadline, it is very common to fix just the current book for now.


The behaviour you describe is how spell checked as worked for a long time.

One ugly, but quick work-around would be to temporarily remove the other books from the project (Close Paratext and move the books to a holding folder) and spell check the current book. Then you could put the books back. This is not the optimal solution, but if you are under a deadline it could save you time.


If you turn off editing permission for the books you wish to ignore and set the range in the wordlist tool, the wordlist will show you only the instances in the books you want and when you correct a word, you will only be asked to correct the words in the books you have permission for. I have not checked out project plan assignment behavior in this regard but I would hope it would behave the same.

I think there may still be a slight problem with the spell-checker considering outside range instances and not clean when capitalization, for example, is incorrect in an out of range book. It hasn’t happened to me clearly enough for a report yet.


0 votes

No matter how you do this process of either turning off permissions (good idea, but more complicated if permissions were set in Assignments and Progress), or temporarily removing books. Please make sure that the team is aware of what is being done and that people don’t get confused by a S/R that suddenly has different permissions or empty books.

by (8.5k points)

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