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Dear all,

On lingtrans` Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial LingTranSoft Wiki | Paratext-FLEx Integration Tutorial there are many features and advantages listed of a link between PT and Flex. The most obvious however , Spell check, is not listed.

As a dictionary normally serves as THE orthographic reference, to use the dictionary as spellcheck reference in Paratext seems logical. What does the spell-check future of Paratext look like at the moment? Are we going to see major advances in flex integration in PT 9.3, 9.4 or 10.0?

In many projects, the accuracy of the spelling of the Biblical text for published books is very high, if not without errors. Flex has an internal spell-check for the vernacular. Can PTFLEX be made to fill this internal vernacular flex spellcheck with trusted wordlists from Paratext? That would be great way of cross fertilisation between the two.


Paratext by (322 points)

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