+1 vote
Hello, I have, and got the message this morning that an update was ready to install. So I restarted, but get the error message “The automatic download for a paratext update did not succeed.” That’s happened a few times, and I have also tried downloading manually from the help menu, but get the same message. So I won’t try restarting PT anymore, but thought someone might want to know this…
Paratext by (106 points)

4 Answers

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Best answer

I had the same problem. Presumably there is a problem with the update. One way round it, I don’t know if it is a recommended way or not is to close Paratext, and search for the downloaded update file in %LocalAppData%/Paratext92/ParatextUpdate , run the patch_9.2.102.8.msp file (allow the installer to run) and once it is finished, restart Paratext.

by (424 points)

Thanks anon297911, that worked!

I also had this problem and your solution worked for me too.

+1 vote

We have identified a problem with the automatic update settings and have fixed it. Can someone confirm that the automatic update now works correctly?

Note that you may have to restart Paratext up to two times before it fixes itself.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


Yes - that works for me now (after two restarts) having got the error earlier today.

0 votes

Looks like it’s working for me now too! Thank you!!

by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)
0 votes

Great! Thanks for the confirmations.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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Paratext Oct 14, 2022 asked by Fork (181 points)
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