0 votes

I could have sworn that I’ve posted this here before, but I don’t find it.
My Paratext won’t update any more. It alerts me that there are new updates available. It downloads them and upon restarting P8 it goes through the install. When it is finished I’m still at .72. I’ve tried various things like launching the update file from the OS, deleting out the download and trying again, etc.
It’s been the same way for months and now I see why no one has responded :slight_smile: since my post never got saved.
Fresh ideas welcome.

Paratext by (184 points)

5 Answers

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Best answer

I have had a couple end user systems that refused to update, and all the regular stuff didn’t help.
I did the following:

  1. open a Admin CMD window (I use the 2nd option at link below:)
  2. CD to the location of the downloaded update (cd c:\users\user\downloads)
  3. Run the update from CMD window (patch_8.0.100.75.msp)
by (1.2k points)
0 votes

When you run the update from the OS, does it give you any error?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

Nope. It appears to run normally. When P8 starts I check the splash and it report .72

by (184 points)
0 votes

Can you try an automatic update again and then find the file specified here and send it to me or John Wickberg?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

Ok, when I download and manual run, I get the “your system has not been modified” dialogue.
Emailed the file a few minutes ago.

by (184 points)

So this has been fixed by installing P9 beta which corrected the Doulos problem. I had tried uninstalling and reinstalling Doulos without success, but the P9 installer did the trick.

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