I’m using PT
Our project marks all occurrences of proper names (\pn), geographical names (\png), and names of Deity (\nd). This facilitates publishing in ways peculiar to our project.
Sometimes we have multi-word Biblical Terms that include a name. Most importantly, our keyterm for “kingdom of heaven” is as follows:
គ្លើយ \nd អ៊ើយឋៃ\nd* វ៉ៃ-ឡាំងហ៍
= matter \nd god\nd* rule
I have tried the following combinations in the Biblical Terms tool, and none will find/match the expression in the text:
- គ្លើយ \nd អ៊ើយឋៃ\nd* វ៉ៃ-ឡាំងហ៍ <- literal
- គ្លើយ ** វ៉ៃ-ឡាំងហ៍ <- replace \nd អ៊ើយឋៃ\nd* with ** [see image below]
- គ្លើយ ** អ៊ើយឋៃ* វ៉ៃ-ឡាំងហ៍
- គ្លើយ ** អ៊ើយឋៃ* វ៉ៃ-ឡាំងហ៍
- គ្លើយ ** អ៊ើយឋៃ** វ៉ៃ-ឡាំងហ៍
- គ្លើយ ** អ៊ើយឋៃ** វ៉ៃ-ឡាំងហ៍
image1086×242 56.1 KB
The problem is clearly coming from the final asterisk in the marker \nd*. We can see this with the Key Term “Son of David”, where the final marker \pn* comes at the end of the term instead of the middle (making it different from “Kingdom of God”):
ណាគ ច ពតាវ \pn ដាវីត\pn*
= child grandchild king \pn david\pn*
If I place the string ណាគ ច ពតាវ \pn ដាវីត\pn* in the Biblical Terms tool, it finds the term, but note that it does not interpret the final * in \pn* as being a part of the Key Term.
image974×405 137 KB
So apparently, the tool can’t read (or skip over, or move beyond) an asterisk.
This has consequences for linking occurrences of the term to the glossary entry. (When I try to make the link for “Son of David”, nothing gets linked, even though the Biblical Terms tool is identifying the Key Term as present.)
Does anyone know of a way to use valid USFM markup within Key Terms, have the Key Terms tool recognize the term, and have the Glossary linking tool markup those Terms? Thanks! (It would be sufficient to have a trick to get the tool to skip over asterisks!)