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Wasta Linux 16.04.3 - Paratext

How can I sync a project to a Chorus Hub? Chorus Hub is running on a remote machine and is detected by PT. When CH is selected as destination, no projects appear in the list, on either the local or remote machine. When I select any of the other choices for S/R destination, the project(s) appears. How do I get it to show up on the CH?

The running CH works for FLEx and WeSay.

Paratext by (112 points)

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I can’t answer for Linux, but Chorus Hub failing to display as an option in the Windows environment always indicates a firewall issue. Maybe firewall is controlled per app on your machine?

by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)

Thanks for your reply.

I can check for this, and maybe I didn’t word it correctly. CH is, or seems to be an available option, it can be selected, and PT correctly knows the name of the machine where CH exists, it just doesn’t show any projects to be able to sync to it. Is there any way to troubleshoot this?

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Hebrews 10:24-25
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