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We have about 15 users accessing our local Chorus Hub and completing send/receive just fine. But my instance of Paratext finds the Chorus Hub but doesn’t find any projects. I have turned off the firewall for private networks, and that doesn’t help. Please help!

Paratext by (280 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

It looks like there might be a rogue folder on the Chorus Hub server that is causing problems.
Shamelessly quoting @John+Wickberg from another user that was having this same problem:

My guess is that there is some extra folder in the C:\ChorusHub directory of the machine that is Chorus Hub.

If you look at the C:\ChorusHub folder, Paratext projects should be subfolders with names like:

ABC is the short name of the project, ^P8 is a separtor, and what follows is the internal id of the project - which should be a 40 character string.

Any other folder that doesn’t match this format may be the problem.

EDIT: For a little clarification, the folder causing the problem will have “^P8” in it, but will probably not have the following 40 character string.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

Please use Help > Give feedback so we can look into this.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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