0 votes

In the past, we used an Android hotspot (with mobile data turned off) as a type of offline WiFi router. This worked for Paratext Live in a village with extremely limited (and costly) internet. Could Chorus Hub also be used over this route?

Also, can you use a WiFi router that is not connected to the internet for the same purposes?

FYI, I have NOT seen a way to use a hotspot without mobile data for iOS. That’s why I specifically mentioned Android above.



Paratext by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)


5 Answers

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Best answer

When starting PTLive, Paratext will ensure that all users have the same data. However, the only files that PTLive keeps in sync between users are the ones for the Scripture books. When changing any other data in Paratext, you will need to treat it as you would when doing normal S/Rs - i.e. don’t allow multiple people to edit the same things at the same time (as you seem to be doing). The Exchange All Files command is basically like forcing all users involved in the PTLive session to do an automatic round of S/Rs (with all files) so that everyone again has the same data. So, the Exchange All Files command is only necessary when you want everyone to be seeing the same data.

Since project notes are stored in separate files (as you have noted), it should be safe for everyone to edit/create notes during a PTLive session.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

As long as it acts like a WiFi router and allows the connected computers to connect to each other (since PTLive works, I expect this to be the case), I would think it should work to use Chorus Hub. Same for an actual offline WiFi router.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

I confirm that.
Sometimes I have used an Android cell phone as a WiFi connection for both PTLive and Chorus Hub.


by (887 points)
0 votes

A follow up question: are there any concerns about using Project Notes during Paratext Live, and using Exchange All Files to share them?

Somebody put it in the same category as Biblical Terms and Word List (during Paratext Live), but I don’t think it’s the same. Biblical Terms and Word List use the same file(s) for all users, while Notes use different files for each user. So I don’t see how it could be a problem.



by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)
0 votes

Also, is it necessary/helpful to do Exchange All Files before working on Biblical Terms, Word List, etc? Or just after? We are suggesting only 1 person work on Biblical Terms, Word List, etc at a time during a Paratext Live session.

It seems that Paratext does a pretty good job of ensuring everything is up-to-date at the beginning of the Live session, or asks users to do a S/R first?

by [Moderator]
(2.0k points)

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