+1 vote

I’d like to give a point in the project history which was automatically created quite some time ago a name, for example ‘Before Consultant checking xxx’.
Is there a way to do that? I would find that very helpful.

Paratext by (236 points)

4 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

Yes, something like that would, of course, be possible, but it doesn’t yet exist so it doesn’t help you at all.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Thanks for your replies, everyone.

I was also thinking if something along the line what davidc78 suggested might be possible.

I’ll make a new feature request for that.

Even if it doesn’t help right now I think it will be helpful in the future.

+1 vote

There is currently no way to change history. This includes going back and renaming an existing history point.

by (8.5k points)
+1 vote

Just to expand on anon848905’s answer, this is a restriction of Mercurial (what we use for the project history) in that the history points are not editable without destroying the Mercurial database.
Note that this is different from the way that Git works.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
0 votes

But is it not be possible to create a simple PT “wrapper” around the Mercurial database query results? Where the wrapper list would basically equate a user-given Name with a point in time that Mercurial sends back from the query. I.e. PT could maintain a simple Timestamp-and-Name list, and whenever the user queries the history database, and Mercurial sends back a hit list, PT could display all the user-given Names in the wrapper list next to the particular timestamps they are associated with in query results. This way the user can name points in history without altering the Mercurial database itself, because the list of names is maintained in a file outside the database (though the file itself could be included in the repository too).

by (368 points)
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