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I can’t find a topic on the message: “Warning: Another copy of Paratext 7 is . Continue anyway?”, so I’m starting a new topic.

The three translators on the minority project I’m working with right now have PT 7.5. One of them does not get the above message when he tries to run PT twice. I mean, he did it accidentally, and I don’t want him to do that, but without the warning, it’s for a user new to computers easy not to realise.

Paratext by (1.4k points)

2 Answers

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When he does it, does he see two copies in Task Manager?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

This seems to have solved itself, but I when writing my previous post, I did see two PT 7.5 windows on screen at the same time. I closed one, and double-clicked the PT desktop shortcut: no warning, but there were two windows again.

Don’t know whether the fact that I installed 7.6 on that computer this morning made any difference. When I retested today, I had 7.6 closed, but 7.5 did give the warning on the second open.

ParaTExt 7.5 and 7.6 do not interact. I suspect and issue with the Windows or dotnet installations on that computer.

Yes, I thought not. But often in tech support emails, it’s worth mentioning everything :smiley:!

It is 7.x and 8.0 that do not interact. 7.5 and 7.6 act on the same data so it is correct for the warning message to appear for them.

Ah. What I meant was the I didn’t think installing 7.6 was the thing that fixed the problem, but I mentioned it anyway.

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This problem is back again. Our lead translator can open two copies of 8.0 without getting any warning.


by (1.4k points)

Well, now it seems to be working. Basically, I notice that the user ends up with multiple copies of 8.0 open, but he swears that he saw no warnings. Maybe he just doesn’t see them, and clicks Yes totally subconsciously!

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