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I’ve been using Pathway to produce printed versions with PT8 for Linux with moderate success (pictures sometimes on the wrong page, but that can be fixed). I’ve also produced epub versions, which generates folders called epub2 and epub3. Just in the last few days, that stopped working, and only epub2 appears. I tried reinstalling Pathway, but no effect.

Possibly related, I tried a whole NT with glossary going to Libre Office, and got a whole bunch of errors in the glossary cross-references. In the main text, where you’d expect to see the term in text, there was an error saying that the target wasn’t found, and similarly in the glossary itself. Poking around, it looks as though most of the bookmarks (or whatever they should be called) were generically named (e.g. w_5), some had the target word (e.g. raarangisana), and those were the ones that didn’t connect.

Next step would be to reinstall Paratext 8, I guess, unless there’s something else I can try.

Thanks for any help on fixing this (or these)!


Paratext by (324 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

The Paratext installer doesn’t include any Pathway data, so re-installing
Paratext is unlikely to help.

Could be something happened to the Pathway configuration files, but I don’t
know it well enough to suggest a solution - maybe the support site will
help. The link is: https://software.sil.org/pathway/


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