0 votes

The servers are currently down due to an unknown issue. We are investigating it and will ensure that the servers come back up as soon as possible.

Paratext by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)


4 Answers

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I will do that in the future. For what it’s worth, the affected services were the Registry, Send/Receive and the Progress App. All of these have resumed normal operation.

@anon421222 by the help site, do you mean https://pt8.paratext.org/help/ ? It seems to be working for me. It should not have been affected by the same issue.

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)

By the help server, I refer to the server that receives and distributes the help that is in Paratext.
(While holding down the Shift key, select the Help menu, point to Advanced, and select Update Help. Enter help upload password. When the server is down, a message appears saying the update failed and that the problem may be due to a firewall blocking port 1433. I just tried this and the server is down - as indicated by the message.)

@anon421222, The help server is a separate system from the Registry and S/R servers.
I think the issues with the help server will only affect people editing the help (most people get updated help through Paratext updates). If you see this problem, it’s probably best to just let us (probably @John+Wickberg) know directly to ensure that it gets fixed ASAP.
The current help server is very old (still Win Server 2003, I think) and will hopefully get replaced soon.

0 votes

The services have resumed normal operation. The exact cause for the issues is still being investigated.

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)

0 votes

The Help server was down all day Mon Mar 12 and is still down.

by [Expert]
(733 points)
0 votes

In any messages like this could you please specify which servers and services are affected? It will help anyone identify whether this issue relates to problems they may be experiencing. Thanks!

by [Moderator]
(1.1k points)

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