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I tried to register a new user for our project. The only thing I told him to do was to click the link in the email that came to his Inbox, in order to verify his email. But he tried to complete the registration process, but didn’t enter any data about what project he was working on.

Now, I guess those who deal with approving the registration have no info to decide whether he’s legit, and the registration seems to be frozen. Is there a way to un-stick it? For me to enter the data into the blank fields?

Paratext by (1.4k points)

3 Answers

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Best answer

If they are not associated with an organisation, the right thing for them to do is leave the org field blank. (The Supervisor and Entity fields can be left blank as well.) This will still give them a PT license with which they can participate in projects, although they won’t have access to all resources nor will they be able to create their own projects.

If they need access to more resources or register their own projects, the right thing for them to do is to go to their profile and click “Request independent translator status”.

If you wish to do the registration for them, you can still go to Users > Register New User and fill in the details for the user yourself, using their e-mail address. This will only work as long as they haven’t filled in their registration details yet for themselves.

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)

Since they were only doing apps for SIL Eurasia, I put that.

(No need to reply to this.)

0 votes

Could I suggest that the PT user registration page have a note pointing out that a user can either register themselves, or be registered by another person who logs in and uses the Users tab? This box:

… makes it seem that there is only one route. Inexperienced users may pursue this route when what they should have done was ask their project coordinator to do the registration for them.

Click :heart: to vote for me to submit a feature request for this change!

by (1.4k points)
0 votes

When you register for a user, and enter their e-mail address, they will receive a link. If they click that link, they don’t need to confirm which project they are working on, since you have already confirmed their identity for them.

If they register using any other way, they will be asked for their PT7 registration code to confirm their identity (in the case of an existing user) or they could be creating a new registration, in which case they don’t need confirmation since they are not a member of any project yet.

If you are experiencing issues, please privately message me the name of the user so I can sort out what happened.

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)

But they’re still asked to enter their organisation, area and entity. In this case, the user didn’t know all of that data because he is not an SIL member, just a techie who volunteered to make an iOS app using Scripture App Builder.

I need him to be on PT8 so that I can send him the project files efficiently.

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