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Do I have the right, as an administrator, to go to the Paratext Registry and look up the registration codes of the members of the project?

Paratext by (1.4k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

If you have a “support” role for your organization in the Paratext registry, you can look up information, but the codes are no longer stored and so new codes must be generated if a code is lost.

by (8.5k points)

Yes, I noticed you’d documented some when Zita gave me access to that database for a few minutes.

How do I know if I have a “support” role? How do I get that role if I don’t have it?

If you log into the registry and look at the “Roles” tab of your profile it will tell you the roles you have in the registry.

Yes, it says I have the role of Supporter (with an “r”).

So what does that allow me to look up?

The pt8.paratext.org website has this information on a supporter’s role:

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In PT8 there are no saved registration codes. If a user cannot find the email that had their code, they will need to generate a new code. You can find help with this by searching for “Registration”. You can also find help with registration by watching the videos on vimeo.com/channels/paratext/videos (search for registration)

by (8.5k points)
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