0 votes

Dear All,
I have added (registrered) a new user in the registry website. It seems to have worked and I was promised to receive an email with the registratioń activation code of the new user. This was two days ago and I have not yet received an email. What do you advice me to do?
Thanks for any help you can give.
goodgoan .

Paratext by (322 points)

5 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer

When you add a new user in an organization, that user still has to be approved by whoever is managing membership for that organization. The email won’t come until approval. Maybe we should send an automatic email explaining the reason for the wait.

by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)


Or, since it is a rubber-stamp anyway, why not give team-leaders the right to approve? A regional director managing 4 SIL branches, having you-know-what-all on her plate, should not be charged with this kind of red tape, because that is what it really is. Let’s be more flexible where this is possible and open a new category of delegated-approvers who were given the power to approve, thus cutting the red tap for directors and such.
Respectfully submitted.

The decision of who has the ability to approve users is an organizational decision (not a Paratext decision). An organization can assign any registered Paratext user to approve users. Note that “organization” is defined by the structure as it is found in Paratext and this might not involve any regional directors. The regional director may only be involved if the approver does not know if a particular person should in fact be added to the Paratext registration for that organization.

If an organisation wants to do this, they can assign the “membership approval” role to said team leader. If a team leader has the membership approval role, any new users they register in that organisation will be approved automatically.

0 votes

The emails are sent almost instantly (less than 5 minutes, I think) so if you have not received it, I would check your spam folder.

The email is sent to the email address associated with the user that was registered.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

0 votes

98% of the time I get the emails, but sometimes the emails just don’t come.

If you are registry admin you can impersonate the user and request a new code, and it will retry the email.

by (1.2k points)
0 votes

If you entered the user’s email address instead of your own, the email would have gone to the new user. Be sure to check the junk folder of both yours and the new user. You could try writing an email to: [Email Removed] and Sharon could check it for you.

by (150 points)
0 votes

Just as a follow up to this. According to the registry history the user was only approved after you wrote your question. Once a registration is made it must be approved by the entity. In this case it looks like even though you completed the registration it wasn’t approved until about 3 days after you submitted the request. I believe that in the registration process it is possible to get a temporary code, but this would be replaced once the entity approves the registration.

by (8.5k points)

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