0 votes
A former MTT is interested in setting up a Paratext project. The registered project he was working in has been suspended for some time pending an as-yet-unresolved leadership change. He would like to do some independent work using Paratext (he is fairly proficient in Paratext already).  

Is it possible for him to set him a new project using the current version of Paratext? He is not affiliated with a FOBAI-approved translation consultant. Instead, he would be doing some independent drafting, consulting resources to the degree possible, etc. At some time in the future it's very possible he will again be associated with an "official" translation project, but for the time being that's not possible.

Thank you for any help that can be provided. I tried to find similar questions here but didn't manage to do so.
Paratext by (113 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Paratext is available for anyone to use for free. Users can register at registry.paratext.org and learn more about the registration process at paratext.org/registration.

In order to register a project you must be registered with an organization or as an independent translator, but anyone can create a project and work on it. It is also possible to save a project to a USB drive without being registered.
by (8.2k points)

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