+1 vote

We have a historical Finnish version where the translator had used two slashes (//) as a symbol for selah in Psalms. We have so far used the unicode char 002F (solidus) for it, because that’s what the normal keyboard will give. Paratext seems to think that slash is reserved for some kind of control char and thus e.g. print draft or export to rtf will not show it. I have tried to replace it with U+0338 but that is not the solution. How do we get PT to handle slash as a normal char?

Paratext by (250 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

// = discretionary line break in USFM
You might try using Unicode Character ‘DOUBLE SOLIDUS OPERATOR’ (U+2AFD) ⫽.
If your font does not support this extended character (which it probably doesn’t), you could then

  • use printDraftChanges.txt to change it to // for print draft
    ’⫽’ > ‘//’
  • or do a simple find replace substitution in .rtf after export.
by (1.8k points)

Thanks, CrazyRocky. I’ll try this out, but we are not going to print the version, only republish it digitally.

BTW, I cannot login to the support site, because the security certificate has expired and my password does not work anymore.


Lähettäjä: CrazyRocky [mailto:[Email Removed].org]
Lähetetty: 12. helmikuuta 2018 17:51
Vastaanottaja: anon982572 [Email Removed]
Aihe: [PT Support Site] How to use slash as a text charachter in PT project [Questions]

CrazyRocky[Link Removed]
February 12

// = discretionary line break in USFM
You might try using Unicode Character ‘DOUBLE SOLIDUS OPERATOR’ (U+2AFD) ⫽.
If your font does not support this extended character (which it probably doesn’t), you could then
· use printDraftChanges.txt to change it to // for print draft
’⫽’ > ‘//’
· or do a simple find replace substitution in .rtf after export.

I think @anon451647 has fixed the certificate problem.

0 votes

Please could you correct the spelling mistake in the title of this conversation? Thanks.

  • charachter ➢ character
by (1.4k points)
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