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(John Macaulay writes)

I have a project which has used U+2011 for the verse bridge e.g. \v 3-4

When doing a chapter/verse check in Paratext, all these are seen as incorrect, and an error message is returned. From this, I deduce that 2011 is the wrong character to be used in verse bridges. It is my understanding that 2011 should be used in the middle of words which should not be broken. Is that correct? Where should 2011 be used?

Paratext by (646 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

(Don Cheney writes)

The “Range of Verses” character you enter on the Reference Format tab of the Scripture Reference Settings dialog is the punctuation character used to indicate a range of verses within a single chapter (for fields such as \x and \r). The character you enter here will not affect the verse bridge character in a \v marker (such as \v 4-5) which Paratext requires to be a hyphen. The hyphens I have in my text have the 002D character code.

by (646 points)
0 votes

(Phil Leckrone writes)

Normally you would use the hyphen (002D) for verse bridges. The publishing tools should recognize verse bridges and not break these.

The no-break hyphen (2011) can be used in words that you don’t want to break.

by (646 points)

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