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After updating to it looks like Assignments and Progress has stopped working. It was resolved by uninstalling update 45 and going back to 38.

Paratext by (869 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

This is basically the same problem that John+Wickberg Christensen reported. I have
tracked it down to a change I made that causes empty prefixes, infixes and
postfixes to be fail.

I have stopped the distribution of patch and will make a new
patch once I do some more investigation and decide on the best fix - I put
the check in because of other problems, so don’t want to just remove it.

Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.1k points)


Thanks. Will you tell us when the problem has been fixed? I saw an update to 100.47 which still does not work, so I needed to return to 100.38.

I thought it had been fixed, but found I fixed one case, but not another.

We are waiting for some other testing to be completed for changes that will
be included in the next update, so it may be a couple more days before the
next patch is released.


0 votes

@John+Wickberg, this looks like the same issue you are helping other people with (case 58303).

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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