I have a user that is migrating to Paratext 8 so will need to install Publishing Assistant 6. Does he need to be registered as a Beta tester for that? If so, how?
I’d like the most stable version of the beta to install. I don’t really understand how the beta release for PA works, so I’m a bit unsure where/how to find the install/update files for PA6.
I’m looking at 2 update locations online:
http://paratext.org/download/pt/updates-all?path=/PublishingAssistant: is this where the “stable” betas are located?
http://paratext.org/download/pt/updates-all?path=/PublishingAssistantTest: I am assuming that is more for “alpha/testing” versions?
Part of my confusion (on the “PublishingAssistant” page) comes from the created/modified dates for “PublishingAssistant_6.0.55.1_Installer.exe” and “PA_patch_6.0.54.70.msp”:
PublishingAssistant_6.0.55.1_Installer.exe was modified on 11/30/2017, but PA_patch_6.0.54.70.msp was modified on 12/05/2017 (so the patch was modified more recently).
PublishingAssistant_6.0.55.1_Installer.exe was created on 11/28/2017, but PA_patch_6.0.54.70.msp was created on 11/25/2017 (so the base installer was created more recently).
So which date/version takes priority in the case?
My next question in relation to the update options for PA6. There are 2 options under [SHIFT] + Help > Advanced > Release Stage: “Normal” and “Pre-release”. As PA6 is already a Beta, will choosing the “Normal” release stage be the more “stable” release, and choosing the “Pre-release” stage be more like an “alpha” release? I tried the “Check for Program Updates” option but it said it couldn’t download the update, so I wasn’t able to figure it out that way.
[cid:[Email Removed]]
Language Technology Consultant
SIL PNG Language Resources
Ukarumpa EHP 444 | Papua New Guinea
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