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I have a Paratext user who registered using one email address, (non-Google account), and they used that email to log into the registry for a couple of months. Then, one day when they tried to log in, they were unable to, and we found that the address on file had gotten changed to a different email address. Using the new address with the original password, they were able to log in, though they had never entered that address into the system.
When attempting to add the original email address into the system, it says that email address is already being used, but it doesn’t appear as an available address in the registration. Has anyone else experienced this? Any easy way to correct the issue?

Paratext by (418 points)

2 Answers

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Okay, I see that there is an empty account in the Registry with the original e-mail address. That’s what’s preventing you from adding it to an existing account. I’ve just deleted it.

As for how this happened; I suspect that you had originally registered this user without an e-mail address, or that the e-mail address got removed when Jeff logged in with his Google account and selected “I already have a Paratext 8 registration”. The mntb.org.br address is actually associated with a different registration, of Judy Roszhart.

I do encourage people that if they have multiple e-mail addresses they add them to their account, even if they don’t use them, so that this sort of issue is less likely to appear. Changing the preferred e-mail address for communication can be done on the Settings page.

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)

Thanks for writing back.
It was actually Judy Roszhart who registered with the ntm.org address (the (address removed) address is also Judy). She registered on June 19th. She was getting things ready for a Paratext 8 workshop that was offered in Brazil, so she set up a training project, and registered several users who were going to take the workshop, and didn’t have good internet access.
She then went several weeks without accessing the site.
On August 28th, I added Jeffrey Roszhart as a user, and he later associated his Gmail account with that registration. (I don’t know if he initially tried to register his NTM.org address which his wife was already using, or any of those details, so that could have initiated the glitch)
Around that time, all the users that Judy Roszhart had originally registered, associated their own email addresses with their registrations, as they were all at the Paratext workshop.
On August 30th, Judy wrote me that she was unable to sign in using her Judy Roszhart address, and that the person teaching the workshop had helped her investigate, and found that the address on her account had been changed to the mntb.org.br address. She logged in using her original password from her records, and was able to do everything there, but her address of preference is the (address removed) address. Jeff and Judy are members of NTM, who work in Brazil, so they have both ntm.org and mntb.org.br addresses, and the mntb.org.br address forwards to the other one.) So, no one knows how the mntb.org.br address got into the system, as Judy said that she never uses that address, but always uses the ntm.org address.
I also checked into the history of the users she had registered, and none of their history goes back to the time when their registrations was actually created, but back to when they confirmed their own email addresses. That may be normal, but I just never checked.
Just a history, if that helps figure anything out.
Now we will just add Judy’s preferred address to the account, and see where things go from there.

Incidentally, I just added the preferred address to the Judy’s account, using Impersonate user. (my username is BEH, and I am currently one of the administrators for NTM, as well as for the sub org Missao Novas Tribos du Brasil)
However, when I tried to change the email address used in the Notifications area, that option wasn’t available.
I will ask Judy to see if she can log in using her NTM.org credentials, and we will see if that part works.
Thanks again.

The e-mail address first needs to be confirmed (by clicking the link in the e-mail sent to that address) before it can be set as the preferred e-mail address. However, logging in with that address should work.

As for why the history doesn’t go back all the way: when someone logs in with a new e-mail address and selects the feature “I already have a Paratext 8 code”, the old account with that registration is deleted and the registration is instead associated with the newly created account. So in the history it will only go show “X claimed the Paratext 8 registration of (deleted user)”.

The precise implementation of this process is rather complex so glitches can occur; this is why we recommend putting the e-mail address in when registering the user in the first place, or letting the user register themselves.

Yeah, I thought of that after I replied.
On Judy’s account, she registered her own account at the beginning, and I just approved her registration. So not sure exactly what happened, nor how an account would have become an empty account like you mentioned happened to her original account.
Ah well, we may never know exactly what happened in cyberspace☺
If it happens again, I will try to get more specific questions as to precise details a little closer to when they occurred.
Have a good day.

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I’d like to look into this issue. Could you send me their e-mail address?

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)

Sure, the currently registered address is
(address removed)
The originally registered address was
(address removed)
The addresses are linked, as same organization in different countries, but somehow the address on file got changed.

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Acts 2:46-47
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