+1 vote

I have found that if I try to log into the Paratext Registry, but use the wrong email address, then it brings up a New User form to fill out (with a Register button at the bottom). But even if I don’t fill out that information and click the Register button, it’s already too late! The user registration for that email address has already been created! (Note that this is what happens with a gmail/SIL address; it appears that if I check “I don’t want to use a Google account” it doesn’t create the account right away, maybe because it has less user information?)

It should not be that easy to create a new registration in the Registry. There should be that “Register” button which has to be clicked, so that a person needs to make an intentional decision to create the account, not just accidentally type in the wrong address.

I have seen elsewhere a recommendation that people with multiple email address should add all of those addresses into the Paratext registry, so if they accidentally enter the wrong address, it will still take them to their account.

But it definitely shouldn’t create a new user that quickly for a non-registered email address.

Paratext by (1.4k points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

For what it’s worth, if you accidentally created a new account, you can go to Settings and find the button to delete your account. Having an account doesn’t mean you have a Paratext registration, however. It just means your email address exists in the Registry but there is no information associated with it. If you don’t do anything with it, it will be deleted automatically after a while.

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)
0 votes

jeffh - this is a good point. Can you us the Help > Give Feedback to report the issue so that it gets into the proper system?

by (8.5k points)
0 votes

OK done…

by (1.4k points)
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