We are holding a PT8 migration workshop for a couple dozen languages, but the Eastern Tamang team got stuck when they tried to migrate their NT project, with an error message that the project was already registered. A search for “Tamang” in the registry found only their OT project and Western Tamang, but now that I’m home, I can see that Bryan Varenkamp pre-registered the project several months ago. They added me to the PT7 project as an admin, and I was able to receive it in PT7. I thought I should be able to migrate it to PT8 from there, but it’s disabled in the list of available PT7 projects (either via File > Open project or via Send/Receive).
Could an admin with access to the servers do a migration for us, so that the users only have to do send/receive to receive the project? (No one is making changes to the project.)
If we encounter this kind of situation again, how should we handle it?