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Is the number contained in the PT7 unique.id file unique to the project, unique to the user, or a combination of the user and project?

I’m trying to figure out why my teammate can’t properly S/R a project that we are both observers on - he is missing all the books, whereas I have them all. One difference I see is that the unique ID he has is different to mine, and I don’t know if it should be or not.

Paratext by (135 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

First, verify that the user name assigned as observer in the project exactly matches his user name in tools/registration. Secondly, It is possible he got the project from a different source originally. Since he is only an observer with currently no books, I suggest that he delete the project through project/delete project (confirm that the correct project is being deleted) and do send receive again. The project should come in properly. It it doesn’t, you will at least have confirmed that the problem isn’t on his computer. (It he weren’t an observer and there was a chance of losing notes or text, this step would not be done without very careful thought and you would do a backup first via file, backup to file.)

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by (1.3k points)

Thanks Shegnada. He had already tried to delete the project from within PT and then S/R again, but to no avail. Yesterday I sent him a backup file and he has restored this ok. I asked him to try S/R again, to see what happens, but I think he is afraid to lose the books again, and so hasn’t tried!

From your reply, it thus sounds like the problem isn’t on his machine - so where / what would the problem likely be?

A backup file won’t work as away to start to send/receive a project since
the backup doesn’t include project history.

What is the short name of the project? I can look on the server to see what
copies are there.

Paratext Support

Thanks John+Wickberg. Short name is MBT.

0 votes

Just to answer this question in case someone else wants to know, unique.id is just a file that Paratext uses to forcibly add a revision to the project history. Paratext writes a random string in there to force the file to change in Mercurial so that a commit can be created even if nothing else in the project has changed (e.g. when using Project > Mark Point in Project History). It has no other use.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)


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