Is there an easy way to check names that occur in both Old Testament and New Testament? The only way I know how to do this, is to bring up the Biblical Terms tool, then filter by Names, and then click at the top of the English column, so that the list is sorted by English. This way, the name Abraham in Hebrew script will line up next to to the name for Abraham in Greek script, and you can check that the vernacular rendering is the same. You don’t want one spelling of Abraham in the OT, and another in the NT, generally.
The one significant drawback to this method is that there are many other names that you have to wade through, that are not common to both OT and NT. It is time consuming and difficult now, in my view, for translators to check these.
Does anyone else think it would be good to have a subset of names, that only occur in BOTH NT and OT, so that checking these would be much easier?
In my view, it would be wonderful if the Paratext programmers could provide us with something like this. I have made a suggestion that this would be a very helpful tool when checking complete Bibles.