Hi, I’m helping a project (containing OT and NT) and they recently noticed that after a Send/Receive all Project Notes turned to “Unresolved” state. They have 14,000+ notes, it will not be feasible for the project to manually resolve historical ones. Has anyone run into this kind of situation? This problem got propagated to all the users that did Send/Receive. I looked in Project History, and this event doesn’t seem to be recorded. The project is using Paratext 7.4.
Reverting back to a date in the past seems like a feasible option, but will this fix the issue (i.e. does this affect only the text or also the notes too)? We aren’t sure at what date this occurred, mostly likely in May or June of this year. I was thinking about a script that could run through the comments.xml and close from a certain date, but I don’t see any nodes that when edited trigger a note to be resolved in Paratext.
Stevan Vanderwerf
Language Technology Consultant Eurasia - FCH