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I’m faced with the task of updating an expired registration code in Paratext Lite. If I go to the registry and generate a new code, it will cancel the code on my computer. So I have to copy the code from my computer to the phone.

The simplest and smartest way to do this would be to click a menu item in Paratext that would generate a QR code, which I would then grab from the registration code screen in Paratext Lite.

That would be awesome!

Paratext Lite by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Yes it would.

I keep my codes in a google document, that I just open on android device and copy + paste in.

by [Moderator]
(2.3k points)

That is a good idea too. Just talked to John Thomson and he did the QR code setup for the HearThis mobile app linking with the desktop. He says to ask him for his code.

0 votes

You do get a copy of the code sent to your e-mail account, so if you can log in to your e-mail account from your phone, you could copy it from there.

by [Administrator]
(1.0k points)

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