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I have found that PT sometime re-alphabetizes a glossary when I do not want it to. Certainly if I use the biblical Terms tool to add a glossary entry,which I do not. but also at some other times but I not sure when. I would like to know:

  • Aside form adding a glossary entry, what triggers the glossary to be re-alphabetized?
  • If I have editing rights on the glossary book GLO is there anything I can do to assure that the glossary is not re-alphabetized?

I need to make sure that the glossary is never inadvertently re-alphabetized.

Here is the situation

I have put an existing published glossary into the GLO book (NVI Spanish)
This is a regular entry:

\p \k abadón\k*. Literalmente significa «destructor».

Some of the entries are quite complicated for various reasons:

  • Glossary entries that are italicized:
    \p \k _\+tl abba\+tl_\k**. Palabra aramea que significa «padre»

  • Glossary entries that contain more that one form of a word or term:
    \p \k altares\k\k /\k\k santuarios paganos\k*. Es traducción de la palabra hebrea \tl bamoth\tl*,
    \p \k Caldea\k\k /\k\k caldeos\k*
    . Véase \w babilonios\w*.
    \p \k destrucción\k\k , \k\k destruir\k**. Cuando estas palabras llevan asterisco, son traducción de vocablos hebreos (\tl jérem\tl*, verbo \tl hejerim\tl*)
    \p \k puerta\k\k (s)\k*
    . (heb. \tl shaʿar\tl*)

I add more that one \k …\k* to an entry so that the marker check will link as many words in the text to the glossary without needing to use the \w …|…\w* markup
##What happened
When the glossary alphabetization was for some reason triggered this was the order of the entries:
\p \k _\+tl abba\+tl\k**. Palabra aramea que significa «padre»
\p \k abadón\k*. Literalmente significa «destructor».
\p \k altares\k*.
\p \k Caldea\k*.
\p \k caldeos\k*. Véase \w babilonios\w*
\p \k destrucción\k*.
\p \k destruir\k*. Cuando estas palabras llevan asterisco, son traducción de vocablos hebreos (
\tl jérem\tl*_, verbo \tl hejerim\tl*)
\p \k puerta\k*.
\p \k (s)\k*. (heb. \tl shaʿar\tl*)
\p \k , \k*.
\p \k /\k*.

Paratext by (1.8k points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

Because of your requirements, you probably don’t want to use the GLO book
since Paratext will alphabetize the entries whenever there is a merge or if
an entry is added in Biblical Terms.

Paratext Support

by [Administrator]
(3.1k points)


Will it alphabetize even if the person editing the glossary does not have editing permission on the GLO?

Not using the GLO defeats the purpose of using the\w …\w* and \k …\k* markup, which is, using the Markers Check, to make sure every glossary word in the text has a corresponding glossary entry. I assume the Markers Check only looks for glossary entries in the GLO book.
I could do the following:

  • Glossary entries that are italicized:
    \p \k abba\k*%tl. Palabra aramea que significa «padre»
    And convert it to either \tl \+k abba\+k*\tl* or \k _\+tl abba\+tl_\k** when printing

  • Glossary entries that contain more that one form of a word or term:
    \p \k altares\k\bd /santuarios paganos\bd**. Es traducción de la palabra hebrea \tl bamoth\tl*,

However these solutions require extra steps and more markup in the text so I want to avoid them.

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