A corrupted version of usfm.sty 3.0.0 has been shared with projects via Send/Receive. The symptom is that the indents on ‘\q1’ and ‘\q2’ have changed.
Unfortunately this is very difficult to fix in Paratext 7 since the latest version is always used.
The best way to protect against this is DO NOT EVER EDIT the usfm.sty file! If you need to change settings for a particular marker you should use the custom.sty file.
To fix this issue you should get a clean version of the file and make some “comment” change using the # sign (note that this should be below the version number) - for instance:
# This is the latest version of the usfm.sty file
Then save the file so that it gets the current date and time and use Send/Receive to send that file to your team.