0 votes
Hi, I am trying to send/receive unregistered projects to a USB drive.

For one unregistered project XYZ, I can choose 'Send/receive this project' and do a send/receive to my USB drive. For another three unregistered projects, 'Send/receive this project' is grey. When I open 'Send/Receive Projects' and select USB drive, only XYZ project appears in the list, and not the other three. I cannot figure out what is different about these projects that prevents send/receive.

Any suggestions much appreciated! Thanks
Paratext by (112 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
There is a questionnaire that has to be completed before you can S/R. You'll find it when you look under Project Menu > Project Settings > User permissions.

If I'm correct, when you open that up there will be a popup with 4 check boxes. After you check those it should start working.
by (1.7k points)
selected by
Thankyou mnjames, that's exactly it :)

So, even though a project is unregistered, you still need to use internet to access the registry to add users if you want to send/receive (unless you only use guest users)
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