Hola John.
I'm sorry you can't find definitive information yet. We don't have data about the minimum requirements of Chorus Hub on the official page, but this is a service that demands very few resources. To give you an idea, on my computer the CrashPlan service requires about 150 MB of RAM, while Chorus Hub only uses 10.5 MB (and goes up only 1 MB when I do an S/R). This means that any current computer with an Intel Core i# processor and 8GB of RAM will be more than enough to run it without problems, plus a stable network connection. If you can connect the modem to the computer via cables instead of WiFi it will be better.
If a desktop PC with a UPS costs less than a laptop this could be a good option, in case you don't need to constantly move the computer.
Thinking about the comparison you made between the computer they currently have and your laptop, it is logical to find a difference in case the current laptop has, for example, an Intel Celeron processor or 1 GB RAM.
If you are using Chorus Hub together with other programs such as Paratext, Logos or Office, I recommend you check the specific minimum requirements for each of them to make sure that your computer meets all the needs.
José Rosas.