0 votes
I'm trying to print a Hebrew-Greek Bible but I keep getting this error message whenever I try print (same error when I try just the Greek and just the Hebrew):

PTXprint [2.4.21] - Error!
Failed to create: HBOGRK1_Default_GEN-REV_ptxp.pdf
! Use of \n@xt@ doesn't match its definition.
\doch@rstylepls ...se \let \n@xt@ \startch@rstyle
                  \ifx \n@xt \cflexLtr \trac...
\v@rse ->\+wh
\settrig@refprecv ...ref {\id@@@ \ch@pter .\v@rse
                  -preverse}\ifdiglot \edef ...
\runtrigg@rsprecv ->\p@rnum =0 \settrig@refprecv
                 \trace {T}{running (precv) ...
\nxt ->\the \prev@rsehooks
         \spl@tprintableverse \pdfv@rsemark \ifc@ncelfirst...
<to be read again>
l.9 \v \+wh 1 ב
     ְּרֵאשִׁ֖ית בָּרָ֣א אֱלֹהִ֑ים אֵ֥ת הַשָּׁמַ֖יִם וְאֵ֥ת הָאָֽר...
Oops! Something unexpected happened causing this unhandled error.
Try using the 'Tidy Up' button on the Help tab and then try again.
If you are still unable to proceed, use the 'Create Archive...' button
on the Help tab to create a .zip file. Send it to your PTXprint support person
for further assistance. Please include a description of the problem, and if
known, state which setting was changed since it last worked.
PTXprint Version 2.4.21
PTXprint by (102 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Hi Connor,

It appears that there is something in the data of one of the books that is tripping it up. I see that you're doing GEN-REV. Are you able to work out which book is the culprit? Try searching for the string of Hebrew text (from the error message) and if that fails, look at the XeTeX Log tab of the View+Edit page to see if the end of the log gives you a hint about which books were complete, and therefore which one tripped it up.

It is likely that something in the data just before, or just after that text is "different". It could be something as simple as a space missing after a verse number, or a missing marker etc. Note that you can also run the Schema checks in Paratext to ensure data-integrity. To access this special check, you need to hold Shift when you click on the menu option, "Run Basic Checks...", then you'll see an additional option called Schema which will provide very detailed information about any data structure integrity issues.

If you still can solve the mystery, then please use the "Create Archive..." button on the Help page/tab to make a ZIP file archive and send it by email to ptxprint_support (at) sil.org and I'll take a look (I would prefer an archive with just the single book causing the issue, rather than all 66 books).

by (2.7k points)
0 votes

My guess (sorry about the late reply) is that either the "automatic mark-up Hebrew words" or maybe your manual markup has made a mistake: That last line of the log says that in the final SFM you have:
\v \+wh 1 ב
Which is incorrect USFM. You must have actual number or number-letter combination for the thing after \v, you can't have a marker there. It would be acceptable (as far as PTXprint is concerned) to have:
\v 1 \+wh whatever

But the + isn't necessary unless there's another character marker in force, and some programs may complain more than PTXprint will.

by (877 points)

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