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In the project for which you want to see the completion status of tasks:

  1. Click to make it the active window.
  2. Navigate to a book for which you want to see the completion status of tasks.
  3. From the Project menu, select Assignments and Progress.
  4. From the first drop-down list at the top left of the dialog, select Tasks Table.
  5. Optional: If you want to see the completion status of tasks in multiple books, select Choose Books from the second drop-down list at the top left of the dialog, select the books, and click OK.

In the chart that appears, there is a row for each task in the project.
The check marks in the check boxes show the completion status.

 Icon                              |  Description            |  Status of task  |  Affect of clicking the check box       
 (See Paratext Help for image: cbox_filled.png)           |  Solid blue check mark  |  Complete        |  Clicking the check box marks the task  
                                   |                         |                  | incomplete.                             
 (See Paratext Help for image: cbox_filled_disabled.png)  |  Solid gray check mark  |  Complete        |  You cannot click the check box to mark 
                                   |                         |                  |  the task incomplete.                   
 (See Paratext Help for image: cbox_ghost.png)            |  Empty white box        |  Incomplete      |  Clicking the check box marks the task  
                                   |                         |                  | complete.                               
 (See Paratext Help for image: cbox_ghost_disabled.png)   |  Empty gray box         |  Incomplete      |  You cannot click the check box to mark 
                                   |                         |                  |  the task complete.                     

:checkicon: Tips:

  • If there is one check box for each chapter, the task is a chapter task.
  • If there is only a single check box, either the task is a book task or "One check box per book" was selected from "Settings" (click the gear icon at the upper right of the "Assignments and Progress" dialog to open the "Tasks Table Settings" dialog).
  • If the task is assigned to you, you can mark or unmark the completion status.
  • You can remove a row or column by clicking the "X" button (which appears when you hover over the cell of a row or column header).
  • From the "Tasks Table Settings" dialog, you can add or remove a row of tasks. (To open the "Tasks Table Settings" dialog, click the gear icon at the upper right of the "Assignments and Progress" dialog.)
  • You can print the chart.
Paratext by [Expert]
(734 points)


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