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:warningicon: This can only be done by a project administrator.

There are three levels of tasks and checks: Project level, book level, and chapter level.

Project level and book level tasks or checks can be:

  • Assigned to an individual project member
  • Assigned to the "Team"

Chapter level tasks or checks can be:

  • Assigned to an individual project member
  • Assigned to more than one project member

In this Help topic, “Assigned to box” refers to the drop-down list in the “Assigned to” column of the row for a task or check.

Assign a task or check to a project member

  1. From the Project menu, select Assignments and Progress....
  2. From the first drop-down list at the top left of the dialog, select All Tasks.
  3. In the "Assigned to box", click the down arrow, and choose a team member who will have responsibility for the task or check.
    For project level and book level tasks and checks, the team member you choose will have responsibility for the entire task or check.
    For chapter level tasks and checks, the assignment can be shared.

For chapter level tasks and checks only

  1. If this team member will not be responsible for all chapters (or all unassigned chapters) in this book, do the following:
    • Click the link for the book and its chapters to the right of the "Assigned to box".
    • Clear the checkmark by any chapters which this team member will not have responsibility for (see below for all available actions in the "Chapters Assigned to: Team Member" dialog).
    • Click OK.
  2. If there are unassigned chapters in this book, a new row will appear, with an "Assigned to box".
  3. In the "Assigned to box", click the down arrow, and choose a team member who will have responsibility for chapters in this task or check.
  4. If this team member will not be responsible for the remaining unassigned chapters in this book, repeat steps 1 to 3 above.

Actions available in the “Chapters Assigned to: Team Member” dialog

In the dialog that appears after clicking the link mentioned in the first bullet in step 1, above, do one of the following to assign chapters to the team member who will be responsible for the task or check.

  • Click the checkbox for an individual chapter to assign an individual chapter.
  • Click a chapter and shift-click a later or earlier chapter to assign a range of chapters.
  • Click All to assign all chapters in the book. Chapters highlighted in orange are assigned to someone else. Clicking All will "steal" the assignments from those users.
  • Click None to clear the checkmark from all chapter checkboxes, and then select at least one chapter that does not have a checkmark in its checkbox and whose chapter number is not orange.
  • Click All Unassigned to assign all chapters that do not have a checkmark in their checkbox and whose chapter number is not orange.

:checkicon: You cannot assign the same chapter to more than one team member.

:informationicon: See also:

Paratext by [Expert]
(734 points)


1 Answer

0 votes

All very well, but it seems very time consuming to me.
A project can have 66 books, and there are 12 tasks and checks in the first stage alone (in the UBS plan). If there is only one translator who can do drafting, typing up, editing and respond to the results of the checks, it seems very slow to need to select that person’s name over and over again.
Is there a way to bulk assign some or all books to a translator for each task/check?
I have searched the helps and this site without finding it.
Thanks, anon981039

by (118 points)

No, there is currently no way to do bulk changes. It is a known problem. I think the UX team has come up with some ideas about how it might be implemented, but right now, other Paratext features are taking priority.

Thanks. I might add it to the wishlist.

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