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When a project is created, a “Type of Project” is selected from the General tab of the Project Properties and Settings dialog.

Projects created with some of the “Type of Project” options have significant feature restrictions unless those projects are registered. These restrictions apply whether the project is shared or not shared, and apply to projects created in any version of Paratext.

Projects created with the following “Type of Project” options must be registered or certain Paratext features will not work for those projects. See: Why should I register my project?

  • Standard Translation
  • Daughter Translation
  • Study Bible
  • Study Bible Additions

Projects created with the following “Type of Project” options inherit and share the registration of their base project and cannot be registered separately. These projects are not restricted in their use of Paratext features.

  • Back Translation
  • Transliteration (Manual)
  • Transliteration (using Encoding Converter)
  • Auxiliary

    :checkicon: A base project has to be created before a project which is based on it can be created.

Projects created with the following “Type of Project” option do not get registered, but are not restricted in their use of Paratext features.

  • Consultant Notes

The Global Consultant Notes project is automatically installed by Paratext and does not require a separate registration.

:informationicon: See also:

* [What different types of projects can I have in Paratext?](http://support.paratext.org/t/what-different-types-of-projects-can-i-have-in-paratext/58)
Paratext by [Expert]
(733 points)


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