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My Paratext project and Fieldworks project have been linked for some time now. In the past, I would be able to click on a morpheme and definitions from the Fieldworks project would be available to chose from. Recently, after installing Paratext 9.4, I noticed this is no longer the case; however, the Find in Dictionary tool still works. On the associations tab, I have "Interlinear only reads from the associated lexical project" marked. I am using "Glosses for V with no model text".
Paratext by (104 points)
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1 Answer

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Since you have set the option on the associations tab, I don't know why this wouldn't be working.

Probably the best option is to send a problem report using "Give feedback" on the Help menu. We would probably also need your FieldWorks project to be able to track down the issue.
by [Administrator]
(3.1k points)

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