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One of the improvements of 9.4 Beta is stated like this:

  • Improved quotation checking. The new “Quotation Types” Basic Check knows where quotations should occur in the text based on Glyssen data and can ensure that they are all marked appropriately. 

I do not know what Glyssen data is, but I can see that 9.4 flags what it thinks is an error when no error is present, nor is there any error flagged in 9.3. The flag says: Quote mark is missing [Normal]. What is Normal and why does it say that a quote mark is missing when it is not missing?
[Edited to change references from "7.3" and "7.4" to "9.3" and "9.4", respectively]

Paratext by (869 points)
edited by [Moderator]

2 Answers

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by (8.5k points)
I should add to this answer that Glyssen is the tool used by audio recorders to identify locations that would have quotation marks. https://software.sil.org/glyssen/

These fall into various categories. Normal - these are places you would expect to find a quotation. Of course some languages make indirect what is direct in other languages so you can say this isn't an error.

The tab for Quotation Types under the Quotation Rules shows the other options. I would recommend that if you choose to run this check that you look at the types one at a time.
Is it necessary to download and run Glyssen for the project first? It looks extremely complex.
NO! You do not need to install and run Glyssen. The quotation types check makes use of the rules that Glyssen uses.

Has anything changed since the video mentioned here was made? I've just installed PT 9.4 and when I run Basic checks there is no "Quotation types". Here's what I get:   err, how do I include a screenshot?blush
Anyway, the Basic check window has "Quotations" and "Footnote quotes" (what is that?) but no "Quotation types".

0 votes
After the What's New video was made, the behavior of the quotation's type check was changed. If you go to the Project Settings > Quotation Rules > Quotation Types you can optionally turn on (or off) the check. Once it is selected, the check will appear in the list of basic checks.
by (8.5k points)
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