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We are encountering some directionality issues in an RTL project produced the combination of highlighting biblical term renderings and footnotes.

In one case, we have four adjacent biblical terms; one footnote is attached to the first two terms, and another footnote is attached to the second pair. In Standard view (or any formatted view), if "highlight biblical term renderings" is selected in the View menu, the second pair of words is inverted. The placement of the footnote callers is also incorrect, and varies depending upon where the line break falls.

This problem only affects the on-screen display. A PDF generated by PTXPrint displays correctly.

But this behavior is a hindrance to the translators and editors. Any advice?
Paratext by (175 points)

1 Answer

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It simply sounds like a bug. Probably best to use Help > Give feedback to report it.

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

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