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Would anyone know why this term is not being recognized - and how to fix this? The term (the second in the verse) was dragged-and-dropped straight from the text, with * put in for the prefix and the suffix.

Paratext by (127 points)

1 Answer

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It appears the term in the Biblical Terms tool is using a straight apostrophe. I suggest you highlight the phrase and use Ctrl-R to replace the Rendering, then edit it to add the asterisks,

by (1.8k points)

If CrazyRocky is correct in that BT tool rendering and the term in the text are using different Unicode characters, I suggest you run the character check and make you text consistent or you will have other problems where Paratext will not correctly distinguish between word-forming characters and punctuation. Whichever character you choose to use, make sure it is listed in the “word medial” punctuation in the language settings for the project.

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