0 votes
We have a case with no access to the Biblical Terms Renderings list, i.e. it is grayed out, but we've followed the advice in this post. Specifically, we have made sure that there are terms in the biblical terms list for this project, and made sure that the project list has been selected in the project properties. Also we have verified that he is administrator, so he has all the "other" permissions.

What other reasons might there be for the Biblical Terms Renderings tool to not be available?
Paratext by (1.3k points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Also we have verified that he is administrator, so he has all the "other" permissions.

Being an administrator doesn't automatically grant you those permissions (i.e. they can be removed). Have you verified that the Other permissions actually are checked? 

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)
Yes, I did check that he has all of the "other" permissions checked, as well as being Administrator
Is it an empty project or are there books in it?
I don’t think it has a lot of text, but I believe it has the entire book of Psalms.

Probably best to use Help > Give feedback so we can look closer.

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