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We have a project that has created a list of terms to be worked through. This list includes items not in the Major Biblical Terms list. It seems to me that the Biblical Terms Renderings window gives terms that appear only in the Major list. This makes the Biblical Terms Renderings window less beneficial for us.

Is it possible to change the Biblical Terms Renderings windows settings and make it show the terms in the project based list (I cannot figure that out) - or can that be done at all?


Paratext by (250 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

The terms you see in the Renderings window are based on the settings under
"Project > Project Properties and Settings > Associations tab". The list
you “associate” with the project is what shows up in Renderings and is also
the list that opens by default when you open the Biblical Terms tool. In
the “Tool” you can change the list you are viewing by using File > Select
BT List.


Americas Area Language Technology Coordinator
[Email Removed]
[Phone Removed]Office at JAARS)
[Phone Removed]Cell)
Skype name: anon848905

by (8.0k points)

Thanks alot, anon848905,

I think this info should be available on the help. At least I could not find it there…


Lähettäjä: anon848905 [mailto:[Email Removed].org]
Lähetetty: 7. huhtikuuta 2016 13:28
Vastaanottaja: anon982572 [Email Removed]
Aihe: [Paratext Supporter Site] [Questions] How to select the project terms list for the Biblical Terms Renderings window?

anon848905[Link Removed]
April 7

The terms you see in the Renderings window are based on the settings under “Project > Project Properties and Settings > Associations tab”. The list you “associate” with the project is what shows up in Renderings and is also the list that opens by default when you open the Biblical Terms tool. In the “Tool” you can change the list you are viewing by using File > Select BT List.


anon848905 Americas Area Language Technology Coordinator [Email Removed]mailto:[Email Removed] [Phone Removed]Office at JAARS) [Phone Removed]Cell) Skype name: anon848905

0 votes


I found it in help under “How do I select a Biblical terms list”


by [Expert]
(2.9k points)
0 votes

Dear anon044949,

It is interesting that some times your read the text and just cannot see it…

Thanks for your help,


by (250 points)
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Acts 2:46-47
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