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I'm using the recent additions of chapter divisions in Bible Modules, a very useful feature for our project.

For some chapters, especially certain ones that use the \rep feature, some of the text spills over into the next chapter.

Example: Standard Specification
\c 44
\ref Gen 47:31-27
\rep and the years of his life were a hundred and forty-seven.=>. When the time of his death drew near
\rep In the last moments of his life, he called his son Joseph => He called his son Joseph

\c 45
\ref Gen 48:1-4

Standard Output:
\c 44
\v 27 Now the Israelites settled in Egypt in the region of Goshen. They acquired property there and were fruitful and increased greatly in number. \v 28 Jacob lived in Egypt seventeen years. When the time of his death drew near, \v 29 he called his son Joseph

\c 45
and said to him, "If I have found favor in your eyes, put your hand under my thigh and promise that you will show me kindness and faithfulness. Do not bury me in Egypt, \v 30 but when I rest with my fathers, carry me out of Egypt and bury me where they are buried." "I will do as you say," he said. \v 31 "Swear to me," he said. Then Joseph swore to him, and Israel worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff." \v 1 Some time later Joseph was told, "Your father is ill."   [etc. to the end of Gen 48:4]
End Example

So the place of the chapter division in the specification does not match the place of the chapter division in the output. What do you think might be the problem here?
Paratext by (116 points)

3 Answers

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Best answer
Well, the places where this apparent bug shows up all have a "replace" at the end of the Module's chapter. So a quick fix for now seems to be to split up the "reference" to make sure the specification ends with a "\ref" reference statement instead of a "\rep" replace statement

For example, instead of:
\c 44
\ref GEN 47:27-31
\rep (...)=>(...)
\rep (...)=>(...)

I've written
\c 44
\ref GEN 47:27-29
\rep (...)=>(...)
\rep (...)=>(...)
\ref GEN 47:30-31

This seems to work for now until the bug gets fixed, though one problem remains: This does not solve cases where the "\rep" replace statement is in the final verse of the selection. In those cases the text in question is replaced, but the rest of the verse is truncated/lost.
by (116 points)
A further hack: if the thing you're replacing isn't the final _word_ then you could split the verse into two and import it one piece at a time. This is unfortunate, since one of the goals of Bible Modules is that you don't have to edit the original location, but it should work.

Say you're working with GEN 47:31

1) Split the verse in it's original location with \v 31a and \v 31b
2) Put this in your Bible Module
\ref GEN 47:31a
\rep (...)=>(...)
\refnp GEN 47:31b
Better than splitting the verse it makes sense just to replace the entire verse. In other words, include the whole text of the final verse in the replacement. That way, the end of the final replacement coincides with the end of the chapter. No text will end up in the next chapter.

That way, no edits needed in the original location.
0 votes
It looks like this is a question for PTXPrint. It is not possible to have multiple \c markers in a Paratext module, but this can be done in PTXPrint.
by (8.5k points)
reshown by
Paratext 9.3 added this feature: "Now supports the Bible Modules feature to honor chapter markers in extra books."
You are correct. Paratext does allow multiple chapters in a module. Please use Help > Give Feedback to report this issue.
I've sent Feedback using the tool. Is there a way to communicate with whomever receives the feedback to know whether it is being worked on?
When you use the Give feedback it goes to a support queue and is reviewed. Hopefully you will receive a response from the person doing the triage at some point, but it could simply go to the developers for further review. Unfortunately there are a lot of issues that are pending so there is no guarantee as to how long a review might take.
0 votes

Please note the error in your reference: \ref Gen 47:31-27

I assume you mean \ref Gen 47:27-31 ?

by [Moderator]
(1.3k points)
Sorry, I mis-transcribed that. It's a right-to-left text, so the references look backwards. It should be \ref Gen 47:27-31. Paratext automatically puts U+200F Right-To-Left-Mark before the first and last verse in the range.
I see now that you are working with a Right to Left text, so the error is in the above example, not in your code.

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