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I'm working on modules for lectionary selections. The churches that will be using the lectionary use different verse numbering for a number of passages, particularly in the Psalms (where 'headings' are considered verse 1 in some traditions), but also in other places (e.g., Isa. 8:23 ~ 9:1).

Is there a way to adjust verse numbering in a module? Or do we just adjust the 'heading' to contain the numbers as we want them to appear (e.g., Isa. 9:1-6) and pull the \ref verses we want from our text (e.g., Isa. 9:2-7) and hope people don't pay too much attention to the little numbers in the text...? I ask because there are some "Special markers in module files" at this web page (https://lingtran.net/Bible-Modules), and wondered if there might be some more available.
Paratext by (620 points)

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The \vrs marker sets the versification for the module. In your example, if you have \vrs English with ISA 9:1-6 it will show verses 1-6. However, if you change use \vrs Original then it will display the text for verses 2-7.

You may want to consider not showing verse numbers at all (don't include them in the \inc) and just set your headers with the \r field to what you want.
by (8.5k points)
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Thanks Phil. I like your idea of not including \v at all. Some of the lectionary tools people use also don't include verse numbers, so it may actually align well with existing practise.

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Paratext Dec 5, 2022 asked by [Moderator]
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