I'm working on modules for lectionary selections. The churches that will be using the lectionary use different verse numbering for a number of passages, particularly in the Psalms (where 'headings' are considered verse 1 in some traditions), but also in other places (e.g., Isa. 8:23 ~ 9:1).
Is there a way to adjust verse numbering in a module? Or do we just adjust the 'heading' to contain the numbers as we want them to appear (e.g., Isa. 9:1-6) and pull the \ref verses we want from our text (e.g., Isa. 9:2-7) and hope people don't pay too much attention to the little numbers in the text...? I ask because there are some "Special markers in module files" at this web page (
https://lingtran.net/Bible-Modules), and wondered if there might be some more available.