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I am encountering difficulties extracting only the first part of a verse from the Bible module. Despite my attempts to utilize "a" in the reference range, I have not been able to achieve the desired outcome. During my exploration of the Bible module, I came across an example known as the "Revised Common Lectionary for Vernacular Translation," which successfully obtained the specific portion I require. However, I remain uncertain about the methodology for retrieving the initial section of a verse. I have included an "a" in the additional material within the "scripture reference settings."

\r \it $(LUK 1:46a-55)\it*

\ref LUK 1:46a-55

Paratext by (224 points)

2 Answers

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The problem is that you're continuing on after the first part of that verse.

If your reference was before the verse, things should be fine. Like

\ref LUK 1:45-46a

But if your intention is the have verse 46a, skip 46b, and then continue on from 47-55, the Bible Module has no way of knowing it should "skip 46b".

Probably what you'll need is two lines:

\ref LUK 1:46a

\refnp LUK 1:47-55

by (1.8k points)
Thank you for your response. I have attempted to create the desired references based on your suggestion, but I'm not achieving the desired outcome. It's possible that I am missing something. Please assist me in correcting my references. I require the following reference format:
\ref LAM 2:18
 \ref LAM 2:19a
\r $(LAM 2:18‑19a)
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You need to have segments marked in the text to actually be able to reference them. This is not necessary when you use segments in a footnote, but if you want to select the text it must be marked. So you would need to have something like:

\v 45a Cui te̱ba̱nu chi joꞌcan, la̱exak ralal xcꞌajol le̱ Yucuaꞌ cuan saꞌ choxa. \v 45b Aꞌan naqꞌuehoc chak li sakꞌe saꞌ xbe̱neb li useb xnaꞌleb joꞌ ajcuiꞌ li incꞌaꞌ useb xnaꞌleb. \v 45c Ut aꞌan ajcuiꞌ naqꞌuehoc chak li hab saꞌ xbe̱neb li ti̱queb xchꞌo̱l joꞌ ajcuiꞌ li incꞌaꞌ ti̱queb xchꞌo̱l.

You would also need to define verse segments in the Other Characters tab of the Language Settings.

by (8.5k points)
Thank you, Phil, for your guidance. I have successfully implemented your suggested steps, and everything is functioning correctly. However, I have a question regarding the Bible module. Is it possible to make any modifications or additions to the text within the module itself? Not disturbing the Bible text.
That is what the \rep marker in a Bible Module is designed for. It replaces part of the verse text with some other text. See the Special Markers section here: https://lingtran.net/Bible-Modules
Thank you for your reply. I added a \rep to the text, but unfortunately, some of the poetry markers are not supported. I made changes to my \rep, but in the output text disappeared and the poetry markers became visible.
\ref LAM 2:18-19
\rep Lift up your hands to him=>
\rep for the lives of your children,=>
\rep who faint from hunger=>
\rep at every street corner. =>
\ref LAM 3:49-50
\ref LAM 3:55-57
\r $(LAM 2:18–19a, 3:49–50, 55–57)
Are you trying to remove the poetry markers with the \rep? If so, it might be best to use \refnp instead of \ref so that the paragraph markers aren't put in to begin with.

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Paratext Dec 5, 2022 asked by [Moderator]
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