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:checkicon: This topic is intended for users who:

  • Want to track progress with an absolute minimum of setup and ongoing effort.
  • Want a high-level summary of what stages have been completed for each book and what is currently in progress in a format suitable for printing and posting on the wall.
  • Are just starting to use the progress tracking system, but who need to "catch up" by marking many stages for many different books as complete.

Follow the steps below to work mainly at the stage level.

  1. From the Project menu, select Assignments and Progress.
  2. From the "Select View" drop-down list, select Stages Table.
  3. From the "Select Book to View Progress" drop-down, do one of the following to select the books whose information you want to display in the table:
    • Click Current Book.
    • Click Books Assigned to me.
    • Click Choose Books to select one or more books.
      If you want to save this book selection, click in the Saved selections box, enter a name, click the "Save current settingsā€¦" icon in the toolbar, and click OK.
  4. Expand one of the following sections to see how to view progress, mark progress, or print the progress chart.

View progress

  • The table displays one column for each project stage and one row for each selected book.
  • Click on a book name to go to All Tasks for that book.
  • In the intersection of a stage column and a book row, a solid check mark means that all tasks (but not necessarily all checks) are complete for the book at that stage.
  • If a number appears by a check box, information by the corresponding number in the "In Progress" column gives some details about what needs to be done before the stage is fully complete. If you click on that information, the All Tasks dialog opens to the stage in question.
  • Checkboxes are unavailable if a task depends on the completion of another task and either of the following is true of that other task:
    - It has yet to be marked as completed
    - It is in a stage where one or more checks have issues.
  • If a stage has one or more tasks that are only partially complete (that is, at least one chapter is marked as complete, but one or more chapters are not marked as complete) a message appears in the "In Progress" column.
  • For a book or stage with one or more partially complete tasks, the "In Progress" column shows the tasks that have not been completed, who is assigned to the task, and the percent of the task that is completed. If the same task is assigned to multiple people, the column lists the name of all users that are assigned to the task, their chapter assignments, and the percent of the task each one has completed.
  • Once all tasks have been completed for a stage, if that stage has any checks with issues, a message appears in the "In progress" column.

:checkicon: If you hover over a checkbox, a tooltip appears.

Icons related to viewing progress:

 Icon                             |  Description                 |  Status of stage     |  Affect of clicking the check box       
 (See Paratext Help for image: cbox_filled.png)          |  Solid blue check mark       |  Complete            |  Clicking the check box marks the stage 
                                  |                              |                      |  incomplete.                            
 (See Paratext Help for image: cbox_ghost_disabled.png)  |  Empty gray box              |  Incomplete          |  You cannot click the check box to mark 
                                  |                              |                      |  the stage complete.                    
 (See Paratext Help for image: cbox_mixed_disabled.png)  |  Gray box within a gray box  |  Partially complete  |  You cannot click the check box to mark 
                                  |                              |                      |  the stage complete.                    

Mark progress

Do any of the following:

  • To mark all books as complete for a stage, hover over that stage heading cell and click the All Books button.
  • To mark all stages as complete for a book, hover over that book heading cell and click the All Stages button.
  • To mark all tasks as complete for a book at a stage, click the check box in the intersection of the stage column and the book row. Only project administrator (or consultant performing this role) can do this.
    NOTE: An empty square in a check box indicates a stage for a book where not all tasks have been completed. To mark the remaining tasks complete for the book, click the check box with the empty square.
  • To undo a mistake (for example, unintentionally marking an entire row or column as complete), click the Undo button on the toolbar. The Undo button is only enabled if some change has been made. You can undo back to the first change.
  • To redo the most recent change which you undid, click the Redo button on the toolbar. The Redo button is only enabled if you have undone a change. You can redo back to the first Undo.

:checkicon: Users might not be able to complete tasks in a stage (for example: if a prerequisite stage is incomplete).

Icons related to marking progress:

 Icon                    |  Description                    |  Status of stage     |  Affect of clicking the check box       
 (See Paratext Help for image: cbox_ghost.png)  |  Empty box                      |  Incomplete          |  Clicking the check box marks the stage 
                         |                                 |                      |  complete.                              
 (See Paratext Help for image: cbox_mixed.png)  |  Empty box within an empty box  |  Partially complete  |  Clicking the check box marks the stage 
                         |                                 |                      |  complete.                              

Print the chart

Click the print button on the Toolbar to print the table.

:informationicon: See also:

Paratext by [Expert]
(734 points)


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