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Follow the steps below to work at the task level.

  1. From the Project menu, select Assignments and Progress.
  2. From the "Select View" drop-down list, select Tasks Table.
    Initially, the chart displays the completion status for all tasks in all stages for the current book. If you choose to display other books (by choosing one of the options in the next step), you can again display the current book by selecting "Current Book" from the "Select Book to View Progress" drop-down.
  3. Optionally: From the "Select Book to View Progress" drop-down, do one of the following to select the books whose information you want to display in the table:
    • Click Books Assigned to me.
    • Click Choose Books to select one or more books.
      The table displays one column for each selected book.
  4. Optionally: Click the gear icon at the upper right of the toolbar, do one of the following in the "Checkboxes to show per task" area, and then click OK.
    • Select One checkbox per book to show only one checkbox per task for each book.
    • Select As defined in Project Plan (recommended) to show checkboxes as defined on the Basic tab of the Project Plan dialog. (Open the Project Plan dialog from the Project menu).
  5. Optionally: Click the gear icon at the upper right of the toolbar, do one of the following in the "Show Tasks" area, and then click OK.
    • Click All Tasks to display all stages and all tasks in the Tasks Table.
    • Click None to clear the check marks by all stages and tasks.
    • Click a stage name to display that stage and all the tasks that are assigned to it.
    • Select individual tasks to display in the Tasks Table.
      If you do not select at least one task to display, the OK button is disabled.
      The table displays one row for each task selected in the Tasks Table Settings dialog.
      Paratext remembers the choice you make and uses it the next time the chart is displayed.
  6. Expand one of the following sections to see how to view progress, mark progress, or print the progress chart.

View progress

  • When you hover over a book title cell, an X appears. If you hover over that X, the book column is highlighted in light gray (as a preview of what will be removed if you click the X). Click the X to remove the book.
  • When you hover over a task name cell, an X appears. If you hover over that X, the row is highlighted in light gray (as a preview of what will be removed if you click the X). Click the X to remove the task.
  • Stage-name rows only contain the stage name. The name of the stage is truncated if it is longer than the space allotted for it (between 15 and 20 characters).
  • Preceding the checkboxes, there is information that shows who has been assigned to this task, and the chapter range that has been assigned to that user. If multiple users are assigned to this task, the chapter range for each is listed.
  • In the intersection of a book column and a stage row, a solid check mark in a checkbox means that the task has been marked complete for the chapter. An empty checkbox means that the task has not been marked as complete.
  • Checkboxes are unavailable if a task depends on the completion of another task and that other task has yet to be marked as complete.
  • Checkboxes are unavailable if a task depends on the completion of a previous stage and there are issues with checks in that previous stage.

:checkicon: Guest users cannot remove tasks, columns, or rows from charts.
What is a guest user?

Mark progress

Do any of the following:

  • If a task is assigned to you, you can click a check box in the intersection of a book column and a task row to mark the task as complete for that chapter. Uncheck to indicate the chapter is not complete.
  • Click the Undo button on the toolbar to undo the most recent check/uncheck operation (including range operations) or add/remove row/column operation. The Undo button is only enabled if some change has been made. You can undo back to the first change.
  • Click the Redo button on the toolbar to redo the most recent change which you undid. The Redo button is only enabled if you have undone a change. You can redo back to the first Undo.
  • Hover over a task cell for a book that has more than one chapter, and click All to mark all chapters as complete.
  • Hover over a task cell for a book that has more than one chapter, and click None to mark all chapters as incomplete.

:checkicon: If a prerequisite task has not been marked as complete, you cannot mark the task complete.

Print the chart

Click the print button on the Toolbar to print the table.

:checkicon: This topic is intended for users who:

  • Want to see a chart showing for the specified tasks what the completion status is.
  • Want to print the chart and tack it to the wall so people check things off with a pencil (someone will enter the status into Paratext later).
  • Want to record progress at the task level on the computer.
  • Are assigned to a task and who want to mark chapters as complete as they finish the task for a chapter.
Paratext by [Expert]
(734 points)


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Hebrews 10:24-25
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