0 votes

L.S. I would like to be able to specify a colour code of some sort in Paratext, to be used in the orthography guide that is part of the FRT. Right now we just use Bold, but not wanting to solely rely on what Inkjet printers can do I would like to add a colour (additionally) just in case:

\tr \th1 \bd Lettres jɔ\bd* \th2 \bd Comme en français\bd* \th3 \bd Exemple en jɔ\bd* \th4 \bd Sens en français\bd*
\tr \tc1 \bd a \bd* \tc2 p\bd a\bdtte \tc3 d\bd a\bd \tc4 feuille
\tr \tc1 \bd b \bd* \tc2 \bd b\bdar\bd b\bde \tc3 \bd b\bd*aa \tc4 chèvre

From what I know in USFM, the only way to do that is through the custom marker \z. Do you know of another way to prepare the paratext file for colour output?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Paratext by (322 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Does the following topic help with what you are wanting to do (adding colors to existing markers)?

by [Expert]
(16.2k points)

Hi anon291708, I am not sure the marker color feeds into indesign (i.e. turns into a character style). What I want to achieve is this (for example). Does your suggestion make that possible?

It wouldn’t automatically feed into InDesign, but it can be achieved in InDesign. Once the text with that character style reaches InDesign, the typesetter can configure the style with that color. I usually suggest that you put a Paratext Note to the typesetter at the first occurrence of the style and make your request there.


0 votes

I suggest you use custom.sty and place whatever format markers are involved in it, making sure you apply whatever colour it is you want to that format marker in the custom.sty.

by (536 points)

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